Main Script


Blox Fruits Config

getgenv().BloxFruits = {
    ["Team"] = "Marines", -- Pirates/Marines
    ["TweenSpeed"] = 350, -- Studs per second 380 no flag but kick
    ["Fruit"] = {
        ["FruitNotifier"] = false, -- Fruit notifier
        ["AutoRandom"] = true, -- Auto random/store fruit
        ["FruitSniper"] = {
            ["Enabled"] = false, -- Auto buy fruit in normal shop
            ["TargetFruits"] = {"Yeti-Yeti", "Dragon-Dragon", "Dough-Dough"},
    ["Farm"] = {
        ["Enabled"] = true, -- Farm chest & fruit
        ["FastMethod"] = false, -- Faster but more risky
        ["AutoHop"] = true, -- Auto hop after collect all
        ["ItemHop"] = true, -- God's Chalice/Fist of Darkness
    ["Webhook"] = {
        ["Enabled"] = false,
        ["URL"] = "Your Webhook Url",
        ["UserId"] = "Id Discord",
    ["BlackScreen"] = false, -- Black screen
    ["FpsBoost"] = true, -- Boost FPS
    ["AntiIdle"] = true, -- Anti AFK

Preview of Skull Hub

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